1. Begin the process fully prepared to resolve the conflict. ODR works when both parties participate in good faith to resolve the dispute.
  2. Examine your own thoughts and emotions about the dispute. For example:
    1. What specifically concerns me about this conflict?
    2. How does this affect me?
    3. Why is this important to me?
    4. What values of mine are involved?
    5. Do I carry suspicions or assumptions about the other person? What are they?
    6. What would make the situation better for me?
  3. Decide to be calm and polite with the other party. It helps to be courteous when you want to reach an agreement with the other party.
  4. Decide what you want from the other person and what you would be willing to give in return (mutual concessions).  
  5. Think about possible compromises or solutions to the problems.

How strong is my case?

The more you learn about the law the more you can find the strengths and weaknesses of your own case. Choose a fact-sheet to learn more about these common types of Small Claims:

Auto Accident
Damage to Personal Property
Security Deposit
Personal Injury